
Argumentative Writing – Elaborating on the Evidence

Argumentative writing involves picking a side and providing evidence that supports your side while simultaneously describing the other side. The thing that makes the argumentative essay most convincing is the evidence provided to support the thesis. Readers must jump from the author’s own words to solid evidence.

But a mere fact is not enough to persuade the reader. There must be a link between the evidence, the thesis mentioned, and detailed elaboration. To do this, follow the steps mentioned below.

Unfold the Evidence:

First, explain the meaning of the quote or the fact you’ve mentioned, and then explain why it’s necessary for your argument. The source and the fact should agree with the essence of your argument. Unfolding of the evidence is important as it gives the reader an idea that you are well versed with the fact.

Justify the Evidence:

Despite there being good evidence with a highly authentic source, it will do little good if the reader is not aware of its importance. The importance and use of the evidence in the argument must be made very clear to the reader, and no room should be left for further speculation.

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