
Narrative Writing: Writing a Story Make Sense from the Reader’s Perspective

Narrative writing is a form of storytelling using different characters, real-life experiences, or fictional experiences and a concrete plot.

How to make sense of the story for the reader?

You can make sense of your story by using the following steps.

1) When did it happen? TIME, SEASON, WEATHER

The author should add whether it was daytime or night-time, autumn or spring, cloudy, sunny, or rainy.

2) Where did it happen? LOCATION

Mention where the scene was happening. It could be under a tree, on the train, near the main street, on a university campus, or in a movie theatre.

3) How did it happen? CHARACTERS

Characters serve as the driving force in your story and make it look a bit practical. They make the story look as sparkling and colourful as the flowers and butterflies in your garden make it look noticeable. The story should have memorable and strong characters with a variety of emotions, warmth, sentiments, and dialogues.


If all these aspects are fulfilled by the author, the story gets a rational look and is appreciated by the reader. It grips the reader until the very end and creates a good reading experience.

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