Narrative writing is also called storytelling. The tale or narrative is expressed in such a way that it draws the reader’s concentration or attention and imparts a moral lesson. The main quality of a good author is that he knows the strategies to convert his intricate or complicated thoughts into less complicated ones for a better understanding of the reader.
How to make a story seem engaging?
Simply put, the engagement of a reader must be the key objective of the author, and to achieve this, the author should know the ways or techniques to bring his story to life for the reader. Reading a story should be as interesting and exciting as watching a movie with a bucket of popcorns. Keep the following points in mind:
- ”Brevity is the soul of wit” says William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The story should be briefas it encourages readers to keep on reading without getting bored to tears.
- Your story should have an attention-grabbing or dramatic start.
- The central part should have unique characters. A variety of characters make the storyline more fascinating and gripping.
- It should have an unpredictable end with a good ethical, high-minded lesson.
- The story should have a diversity of unexpected twists and emotions; as Robert Mckee, the greatest teacher of the art of storytelling in the world says, “a story is an emotion wrapped in an idea.’’
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